

This Forms section introduces you to the features of some of the screens you see in the Accounts Payable system.

  • Vendor: Allows you to add and edit vendors used by the system.
  • Purchase Orders: A simple form that allows you to track committed budget amounts.
  • Packing Slips: Tracks what was received and what is on back order. Bills can be entered based on packing slips.
  • Bills: This form allows you to enter bills that need to be paid.
  • Voiding Cheques: Gives access to voiding cheques that have not yet been returned.
  • Ship To Addresses: Stores the mailing addresses of each location to receive shipments.

There are several other forms available through the menu system. Below is a list of the simple forms that have not been addressed in other areas of this help file.

AP Menu

  • Close Purchase Orders: Lets the user set purchase orders as complete. This releases the committed amount for the accounts on the Purchase Order.
  • Effective Date: Lets you change the current effective date as shown at the top of the Menu. On entering the AP, this is reset to the current date. This date will be used for all General Ledger transactions.

Administration Menu

  • Clerks: Only users listed on this form can log in to the Accounts Payable system.
  • Credit Cards: To be able to indicate that a bill has been paid with a credit card, you must have credit cards in the system. This form will allow you to add and edit credit card information as long as credit cards have been enabled in the Setup Wizard.
  • Credit Card Reconciliation: Like the Bank Reconciliation in the General Ledger, this form verifies the entries on the credit card statement against the bills that were paid by the credit card. If not enabled, it can be made available using the Setup Wizard.
  • PO Authorization: If a user is trying to enter a purchase order that will exceed their allotted budget amount, head office can use this form to let the user proceed with the purchase order.


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