Packing Slips

Enter your packing slips here! Simply select the purchase order number, enter the quantities received as stated on the packing slip, and click the Accept button. If this purchase order has already been partially received, then only the outstanding items will show. 

For the example in the picture above, selecting the purchase order number 112354 for a second time will show only the second item with a quantity of 5.

Bills can even be built based on only products or services received, and if you want to know what is still on back order, then clicking the Back Ord button will print the On Back Order report. When trying to find a packing slip, you can click the Search button which will show you the form in the picture below:

Select using either the Purchase Order Number, vendor name, or Packing Slip Status pull down lists. When you need to enter a new purchase order, simply click the New button which has replaced the Accept button.


[Vendors] [POs] [Packing] [Bills] [Void Chq] [Ship To]