
This Forms section introduces you to the features of the many screens you see in the Property Management system.

Property Management Menu

  • Property Inquiry:  A comprehensive group of screens that shows information on a variety of different aspects of each property.
  • Development Applications:  Non-minor developments that are beyond the scope of the Committee of Adjustments will appear here.
  • Inspection Scheduler:   Permits the booking of inspection appointments.
  • Codes:   The various pull down lists are populated using data from this form.
  • Inspectors:   A simple form that lists the Inspectors recorded in the system.
  • Contractors:   Shows contact information for the Contractors.
  • Permit Review:  This form lists all data for all permits within a user specified date range.  This is the place where you can change the roll number for a permit if it was put against the wrong roll or the old roll no longer exists.
  • PW Inquiry:  The Public Works Inquiry screen keeps track of work orders that are created based on calls or complaints, say for a need for ditching, a pothole patch, or snow removal, that have been received.  As calls come in indicating a problem within Public Works' domain, a work order is created and can be emailed to the appropriate work yard manager.  When the work is done, that is when the done box on each item has been checked, the work order gets closed and then approved.
  • Export MPAC Update:  Statistics Canada is not the only government body that wants permit data to be submitted.  MPAC accepts an emailed report of the new and updated permits.  The file locations and MPAC's email address can be specified in the Setup Wizard.
  • Sewage Reinspections:  This large form stores the sewage systems that exist in the municipality.  Each roll can have one of each class of sewage system.  The available classes are 1 - Privy/composting toilet, 2 - Cesspool, 3 - Greywater, 4 - Trench/filter/other bed, or 5 - Holding tank.  Much of the data, like tank type and tank size, do not change with time.  As well, several of the fields will be disabled depending on the Class.  Only one inspection per roll/class combination is stored.  Since historical data is not required, only the most recent inspection is saved.
  • Water Retent. Inspect.:  Properties that retain water, either an open channel or a stormwater pond, must be inspected periodically.  The time frame could be annually, monthly or after major storms.  A storm water pond has one or more sections that must all be inspected.  For each property, you can specify which features it contains.  For example, a stormwater pond could have an embankment, inlet, permanent pool, sediment forebays, dry pond area, condition of outfall, emergency overflows, or open channel upstream and down stream of the pond. There is also an Other section.  More features can be added to the list of sections as well as adding and viewing inspections and printing blank inspection sheets for each property.

Reports Menu

  • Statistics Canada Inquiry:  Used to create reports for Statistics Canada's Building Permit Survey.  While this is generally used to print a report, it also has a form for entering data.


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