Development Applications

This form is used to keep track of Applications for large development projects that are beyond the scope of the Committee of Adjustments.  That committee will consider requests for minor changes, or variances, to the municipality's Zoning Bylaw, but the requests that are of sufficient magnitude to warrant the formal consideration of Council are called Development Applications. 


While the Received and Circulated dates will usually be the same day, it is possible for an application to be distributed to the Planning Committee members at a later date than when it was received.  The Status and File Type lists can be added to using the Codes form.  Choose either Development Status or Development Type from the list at the top of the Codes form.

It is important to note that the Description, Decision, and Notes fields are all restricted to 255 characters.  This allows them to be searched.  As well, along the bottom there are several buttons.  Their functions are described below:

  • New:  This will save any changes to the current record and send you to a new record where you can add the next Development Application.
  • Search:  Click this button to bring up a screen that will allow you to locate an application based on several search fields like Application Number, Roll, or Owner
  • Print:  The Print button will let you preview a report of the currently showing application.
  • List:  When you want to see a list of applications grouped by their status, click List.
  • Close:  This will save any changes and exit the form.

There are also two other buttons on the left side of the screen labelled Add and Remove.  Use these to search for a roll to be added to the list of rolls affected by the application or to remove the selected roll respectively.  To select a roll simply click on it in the Rolls list.


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