There exists a report that shows how many dogs are at each roll. Especially useful if you have a bylaw that set the maximum number of dogs at a residence, it is sorted by the Roll number and gives a few details about each
dog at each property. It is available in a few areas of the Animal system. It can be accessed directly using the Animals by Roll form or by changing the owner, roll, or location information on either the Animal form
or the New Animal form. You can also double click on the Roll number on the Animal and New Animal forms to get the report for the selected roll number. This page will discuss the full report that is available through
the menu system before it describes the other access points and their purpose.
The first place of access is from the Animals by Roll form. In
the Middle column of the Administration menu is the Animal Roll Count option. Clicking that will bring up the screen on the right. This screen will let you print a
list of rolls with the
count and details of animals at that property. Remember that last link. The picture from that link will be used for an example below. The purpose of this report is to show how many dogs
are at each property. It is important to note that when selecting a roll, the use of sub rolls will likely diminish the effectiveness of this report.
While the Animal and New Animal forms allow you to see a list of animals that are at a certain roll, this form lets you filter by other criteria. You may not always want all roll numbers to be included on the report. If the maximum number of dogs per house has been entered into the Setup Wizard, then
the bottom option, Rolls above Max, becomes useful. If this has not been set, then the limit is 10,000 which means the Rolls above Max will have no data.
There is one other filtering option. You can select a Tag Year from the list which will
show only animals that have a tag whose number starts with that year. Selecting a Tag Year is not always useful. This is because the count of dogs at the roll will not
necessarily match the number of dogs listed for that roll. For example, if an owner had 3 dogs last year, but only bought 1 tag this year without indicating why the other two
dogs were not included, then a list of dogs for last year would only include the two dogs for that roll though the total number of dogs for that roll will remain at three. This
example is shown in the picture that is accessible with the "list of rolls" link above.
On top of the Animals by Roll form, the Animal Roll Count report may be available from the Animal and New Animal forms. When the roll number field on these forms has data,
you can double click on the roll field to bring up the report for that roll. If the roll number is blank, then the report will not appear. As well, the report may appear when
you select an entry from the roll, owner, or location list. If the municipality has a bylaw that limits the number of dogs per household, and that limit was entered into the Max Dogs Per House field of the Setup Wizard, then picking the roll, owner, or location of a
roll that is at or exceeds the allowable number of dogs per house will cause the Animal Roll Count report to appear for that roll. You can get more information about entering and editing animal information from the Animals page.