

Like most Baker and Associates programs, there are some system settings that can be modified using the Setup Wizard. Note that there is a Close button. Most of the steps below are saved when the Next button is clicked. The Close button will not cancel changes.

Step 1: Backing Up the Data

This first screen asks you to verify that you have a backup of your data before altering the system settings. If you have a good backup or no data has yet been entered into the system, then put a check in the check box. Doing so will enable the Next button.

Step 2: General Settings

The settings on the screen below are used by the Animal Control as well as the Cash Receipts systems. 

  • Tags Switch to Next Year: When the new tags arrive, you can start selling them . Put the date they arrived in the box, and the new dog form will start using the new year once that date has been reached.
  • Days until Notice is Due: The Notice calculates a due date by adding the contents of this box to the current date.
  • Max Dogs Per House: If your municipality has a bylaw that sets the maximum number of dogs that are allowed at a property, then enter it here. This will cause the program to pause when a roll is selected that already has or exceeds the entered maximum quantity. You can use the Roll Count report to see how many animals are at each roll.
  • Use Rate Schedule: The Cash Receipts system can pull the charges from the Charges table, or from a Rate Schedule. A rate schedule sets tag prices based on the number of animals in the household. If you want to discourage people from owning dogs, a bylaw can be passed that makes the tag price increase as the number of dogs increases. Or if your municipality wants to give dog owners a break, the price could decrease as the number of dogs per house goes up.

