This Forms section introduces you to the features of the many screens you see in the Records Management system.
Classes: The Classifications form
contains details of all of the classifications under which each file can be categorized.
The Files Inquiry screen shows all the records in the Files table.
Bin Locations: The locations pull down list is populated with data from this form. There is also a Change Bins button if you need to combine two bins into one name.
Change Passwords: This form lets you change user passwords as long as you know their current password.
Restore: Instead of using the
Destroyed Files form to restore a single file at a time, you can use this form to restore a batch of them at once.
Media Types: The list of media types can be edited here. As well, there is a Change Types button in the bottom left corner of this form that allows you to amalgamate media types to clean up old
data if need be.
Codes: Any codes in the system, like the Legal Description Descriptors, can be edited here.
File Search: The Search Files form
lets you both to search, sort and filter the file and classification data as well print the search results.
Destroy: The Destruction Report menu
option gives access to a set of forms that provide access to the file destruction process.
Destroyed: This form simply shows
the files that have have a status of destroyed.
Box Maintenance: When you need to change the Aisle - Bay - Shelf data for several files, this form makes the task easier.
Change Rolls: When the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) deletes a roll or sub roll, the Records Management system will have to deal with the change, so the annual SAS Roll Update in the Municipal Manager system can go though.