The Monthly Reports Selector form is primarily used to view the monthly report. The screen shown below has some extra fields that will fill in the header section of the report.
There are also two fields that are used to choose the desired month and year combination. To start using this report, first select which report you want to view.
Usually, this will be the Monthly Report, but you can check out the Call Distribution report if you wish. This form was needed for the monthly report, so the header
information could be included in the report header, but it was too inflexible for use with many other reports. That is why the general and more powerful Report Selector was created.
The Monthly Report
This form allows you to enter in several fields that will show in the monthly report's header. It also has a Time Period pull down list from which you should select the name
of the desired month. Selecting a quarter or the word Year will not work with the Monthly report. No information will show on the report. Once you have chosen the
month and year that should show, enter in the Report Code, Prepared By and the Subject. The personnel that have a title will be included in the Prepared By pull down
list. Finally, click the Print button to view the report.
Beyond the report header, this report has 3 sections: Incident list, dollar value, and medical calls. The report first shows a list of incidents with the alarm date and time, the
host station, response type, location, and damage columns. The location is the address or the Area Road as found on the Incident Master. The Damage column has two lines
where the top is the estimated dollars lost and the second line is the estimated dollars saved. The second section shows a total of the Damage column while the third is a
count of incidents that have a Response Types that have been categorized as Medical calls. Last year's count of medical calls appear as well.
Call Distribution Report
This report was designed to be checked monthly, but it actually includes data by year. it shows the count of calls by day and night for each host station. It can also include
calculated average response times. All incidents are included in this report regardless of whether or not they were cancelled on route.