
This Forms section introduces you to the features of the many screens you see in the General Leger system.

  • Effective Year:  Allows you to change the effective year currently used by the system for Journal entries and the like.
  • Journal:  A simple form that allows you to input General Journal entries directly into the system.
  • Bank Reconciliation : Use this form to verify your bank statements.
  • Users :  Limit the accounts to which users of the remote system have access.

There are several other forms available through the menu system.  Below is a list of the simple forms that have not been addressed in other areas of this help file.

Other Maintenance

  • Part Forms:  There is a button for each part of the account number.  These each access a form that allows you to add and edit entries for the chosen part.  If the part is not in use, you will be able to delete it.  Clicking the Report button will give a preview of the report for the chosen part. 
  • Recurring Journal Entries:  There is a link to the Recurring Journal Entries manager. 
  • Journal Descriptions List:  This form will let you create the entries for the Descriptions pull down box found in the Journal Entries form and the Bank Reconciliation Other form.  If you use some descriptions often, then just typing the first few letters can pull it up for you if it has been entered onto this Journal Descriptions screen.
  • Budget to Remote:  The remote budget file will be cleared and current budget data will be sent to it.  That file can then be worked on using a laptop or home computer.
  • Remote to Budget:  When the updated remote budget file is ready to replace the data in the main General Ledger database, use this to copy the data over.  WARNING:  Any changes that were done to the budget in the General Ledger system at head office will be overwritten.  This can only be undone by restoring from backup.


Most item in the Administration menu are password protected.

  • Chart Structure:  Once set, this should never be changed.  If this has to change, then you will have recreate your data.
  • Change Accounts:  This serie of forms gives you access to change General Ledger accounts.
  • Changed Accounts Report:  This report shows a history of what accounts have been changed, when and by whom.
  • Chart Update:  If you are missing accounts in other systems, then try running this first.


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