This menu option, available in the Other Reports sub menu, gives access to three
different cheque reports. This form can print lists of all cheques, all voided cheques, or all non-returned cheques. Both Accounts Payable and Payroll cheques will be included
on the reports. Each report can be filtered using the date range as shown in the picture on the right.
Cheque List: If the two check boxes are left unchecked, then clicking the Print button will show the cheque list. Only data for the chosen date range will be included.
Outstanding Cheque List: Accounts Payable and Payroll cheques that have a status of entered or printed will be included on this report. Cheques are marked as returned when reconciled in the General Ledger.
Voided Cheque List: Cheque data from both the Accounts Payable and Payroll systems are used for this report. Cheques that have been voided, and have an issued date that
is within the chosen date range, are the ones that will be included on the Voided Cheque List.
You must select both dates; otherwise, the reports will not show any data. If you want a single month, you can pick it from the Month list. If it is currently April, then choosing
January, February, March, or April will set the Start and End dates to that month for the current year. Choosing a month between May and December would then set the two
dates to the first and last day of the chosen month but for the previous year.